The 3 C’s of Blogging: Content, Consistency and Commitment



What comes to your mind when you hear the word blogger?? 


Oh, he must be earning a lot of dollars!

3 Cs of blogging

He must be rich

Name, Fame, and what not! Right??


Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. If you are here to make quick money from blogging then you’re at the wrong place, chap!

You must have seen your blogger friend earning dollars from Google Adsense, Affiliate marketing or maybe some other source. But did you realize how did he/she reach here?? NO, Right?

They have put in a lot of effort to reach wherever they are. Blogging needs the right strategy and guidance especially when the field has become so competitive. I am not saying it’s very hard to earn a lot of money from blogging. If you follow the right strategy you can do wonders in blogging. For that, you need to be aware of the 3 Cs of Blogging.

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3 C’s of Blogging for Guaranteed Success



the 3 cs of blogging

Content is King… how many times have you come across this phrase? Many times yeah? You must have heard a lot of marketers saying the same line again and again! When they say it, they mean it!

Content is actually king!

A lot of people have entered blogging, some through their own choice, some by because of the hype created in digital communities, and some by knowing their blogger friend’s monthly earning…blah blah reasons.

Imagine all these people writing content. When you google a search term, Google comes up with so many pages on the same topic. Just imagine, the number of people who have already written on this topic.

So, now a question must be popping up in your mind, what makes a search result rank in the top position.


It is the content that helps you rank better in SERP ( though the content is not the only factor, there are many factors like keyword competition, on-page SEO, backlinks, etc. but yes content is one of the most important factors that decides to rank. Google loves high-quality content. Earlier, it was easy for websites to rank by using keyword stuffing but after releasing so many updates Google has gradually become smarter than you think.

Google loves in-depth, well-researched unique content. A content that discusses all the aspects of the search query with detailed information. To write an article that attracts more visitors, you need to be an expert on the topic.

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2. Consistency

importance of consistency in blogging

If you want to be successful in blogging in the long run you really need to be consistent. You need to maintain a frequency of publishing content on your blog. A lot of bloggers start their blog with a lot of energy but with time they slow down because most of them focus mainly on monetization. They expect that they will start earning like other bloggers with little or no effort.

Remember, Blogging needs continuous efforts. You need to maintain a schedule of writing content and stick to it. Name a single blogger who got successful and is earning a decent amount of money without maintaining consistency.

Google loves websites that are updated regularly. Maintaining consistency can be difficult initially but when you do it results will be fruitful. You can make a content plan and stick to it. We hope that you understood the importance of consistency in Blogging.


3. Commitment

You can not achieve success in anything if you are committed to it. Commitment is very important be it your day job, startup or business. In the same way, commitment is important in blogging. You need to dedicate a fixed number of hours according to your schedule. The more content you publish more will be the chance of your earning.

Bloggers who publish a fixed number of blog posts per week are able to grow faster as compared to those who publish content randomly without any plan. Google search bots recognize that your site updates content regularly. With time you get rewarded with improved rankings.


So, these were the 3 C’s of blogging. You need to follow them and apply them if you really wish to be successful in blogging. Stay tuned to TechAdvises for more such blogging tips and tutorials. Don’t forget to subscribe to our web-based push notifications.







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